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Dynotech Research offers access to our dyno research data and information on a 365 day per year subscription basis. A single subscription entitles the purchaser to access this information on a single PC for 365 days.

Unfortunately, due to some subscribers allowing many others to use their subscription to access data, we have been forced to implement tighter security. As of now, every access to the subscriber section of the Dynotech site using a given id/password, from a PC other than the current subscriber's primary PC, will reduce the length of the subscription by two days.

In other words, if 10 different PCs all use the same id/password to access the Dynotech site ONCE each, the length of that subscription will be reduced by 20 days.

This should not affect legitimate users using a single PC but can have a serious impact on any who have shared their user ID/ Password with others. Those who access DTR legitimately from home and work computers will also have their subscriptions shortened by two days each time they log on from different PC; but since each day only costs about $.05 that effect is minimal, but necessary.

The new procedures absolutely require that COOKIES be enabled on the PC logging in to Dynotech subscriber pages. 

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